Saturday, June 7, 2014

rbu Writers Workshop at THE TERRACE ON 95

(Finding way to The Terrace)

"Hello, 'tis The Terrace talking!
Can we help you with anything?
-- Your whereabouts, can I see?
"Right, welcome. On 95 you'll be."

(Arrival at 2 pm, June 1, 2014 afternoon)
-- Good afternoon everybody,
Hey, a pretty host, Dear Carly.
(Carly): "This is Doctor Bryan Humphrey."
-- Yeah, I have known him already.
(Carly): "And Skip. This is Skip on my right,
There, John Christopher smiling bright,
Brad on the left, like a strong dude,
Next is Luke, talking soft not rude."
-- Hi, all of you: Brad, Skip, Carly,
John Christopher Brown, and Humphrey,
Heartfelt thanks for the acceptance,
Really, how good of an instance,
Good to know you at the Terrace,
Where a writers workshop takes place.
Nice comments done on my story,
At the meet hosted by Carly.
Oh, "The Terrace on Ninety-Five,"
The show-like debate was talked live.
'Twas my first time at such a meet,
Though I had to stand with a seat.
Thank 'The Terrace' and all of you,
For cordial hospitality,
Hope things go pretty well and through,
What a good opportunity !
If writers and poets could meet there,
With fresh ideas and things to share,
Their experiences be better,
Oh, venue to talk shop, ever !
The people in this poem are real, and the real names of theirs, too. My thanks also go to Kim Sok, my cousin taking me there by his car, and my helper, That Sovann who is helpful to me in my going outside.
This poem was written on June 8, 2014 morning while watching a Human Fighting Game: Miguel Cotto from Porto Rico v. Sergio Martinez. The former finished his rival at the end of Round 9 to win one of the most famous World Belt champion titles from the latter.

At another Sunday June 15, 2014 afternoon "The Phnom Penh Writers Workshop PPWW" where I attended for the second time, Dr. Bryan Humphrey, an Australian writer asked my permission to read it. I recorded his reading whereas three other poems of mine -- out of my 8 poems submitted to the event -- were read verbally by others on my request as they picked up which one to read: Luke Young, Carly Beth Nugent and John Christopher Brown. 

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