Saturday, May 31, 2014


My heartfelt thanks, Dr. Kalam for adding me,
'Tis a great honor, joy and everything to see,
Your light of words shedding bright on my path of life,
Struggling to fight all its darkness, despair and strife.

Life's hardest ordeal I've experienced -- enduring,

To smile to hide and lie to my despair, trying.
People are taught to learn the others' successes,
To find, they say, own ways towards the bliss as is,

And only you to show the path from the fiasco,

Not to overlook things to learn and to follow,
The reality as we are to challenge and be,
For real Peace on Earth as the earth-dwellers are "We."

June 1, 2014 Sao Puthpong, Cambodia

rbu ក្រមុំយោលទោង

ឱ ទោងកៅអី ស្រីជិះទោល
យោល យោងទាំងខ្លួន
យោលកណ្ដាលវាល មិនបាំងពួន
ញញឹមភ័ក្ត្រស្ងួន ស្ងាចក្លិនម្លិះ។

អូនអង្គុយយោល ទោងទាំងព្រឹក
ដូចខំរំឭក រកគូជិះ
គូនៅឯណា ចាំព្រឹកនេះ
សូមចេញមកជិះ ថតឲ្យប្លែក។

កៅអីទោងថ្មី បានស្រីជិះ
ទោះធ្ងន់យ៉ាងនេះ ពុំប្រកែក
បន់ឲ្យអូនជិះ រៀងរាល់ស្អែក
ទ្រាំទ្រមិនស្រែក អូនយោលទោង។

បានជិះទោងហើយ កែវអើយស្រី
សូមចិត្តប្រណី ដល់បេះដូង
ទោងសូមមេត្តា អូនយោលយោង
កុំបោះបង់ទោង ណាអូនណា៎។

            © rbu_spp May 31, 2014 Sao Puthpong

Monday, May 26, 2014

rbu May Flowers Dancing in Spring Breeze (3)

Now, the third turn, as shown in this video taken on Sunday May 25, morning, another two May flowers come out to dance in the Spring breeze. Their lovely pinkish petals are smiling a welcoming grin at you:

May flowers are dancing in Spring breeze,
Come on stage will you please,
Let's dance against the azure sky,
Clouds are playing on high.

Come having a great time dancing,
In late May of the Spring,
Here! Can you see our hair in breeze?
A pinkish dance with bees.

rbu What a Bloody Coup! រដ្ឋប្រហារឃោរឃៅនៅបាងកក

ចិត្តខ្ញុំក្ដុកក្ដួល អួលដើម-ក
បេះដូងអង្វរ ភ្នែកកុំយំ
សង្គ្រាមផ្ដើមហើយ តូចទៅធំ
បាងកកទួញយំ រដ្ឋប្រហារ។

យោធាចេញបាញ់ បង្ក្រាបរាស្ត្រ
ដេកស្លាប់ពោរពាស អនិច្ចា!
រាស្ត្រឥតអាវុធ គេប្រហារ
បាញ់ឥតមេត្តា ឈាមក្រាលដី។

សាកសពរដូក រណែលរាយ
សង្ខារបែកធ្លាយ ព្រោះហេតុអ្វី
យោធាឃោរឃៅ ឥតប្រណី
មនុស្សប្រុសស្រី ពុំមែនសត្វ។

ប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ មានន័យច្បាស់
រាស្ត្រធ្វើជាម្ចាស់ ច្បាប់បញ្ញត្តិ
ប្រើអហិង្សា ថ្លៃថ្នូរក្ដាត់
បញ្ហាគង់បាត់ តាមសម្រួល។

រដ្ឋាភិបាល របស់រាស្ត្រ
ពុំគួរវិនាស ដោយគេផ្ដួល
រំលំអំណាច ស្រុកជ្រើបជ្រួល
សង្គ្រាមក្ដៅក្ដួល រាស្ត្រទុក្ខធំ។

គម្រូអាក្រក់ បានកើតមាន
រដ្ឋធំពុំហ៊ាន ថ្កោលពាក្យធំ
ធ្វើស្រែកហ៊ឹមៗ ស៊ុមគ្រលំ
រដ្ឋប្រហារពុំ ខ្លាចបំពាន។

Monday, May 19, 2014

rbu Nick Vujicic and His Incredible Love Story...

Nick Vujicic and His Incredible Love Story...
Reading Benefits You

How lucky of you Nick Vujicic /voisis/,
God shows you ways to happiness,
Both at work and conjugal life,
How you have to do to fight strife (1)

At work you show the world to be
And all your successes we see,
How to overcome stumbling blocks,
Though your body is in the locks.

And your wife, how pretty she is,
She shares with you all happiness,
Nobody dares to imagine,
Thru hardship lighted with her grin.

What a love story to follow,
God matches all those even though,
Their disability does stymie,
The life they manage incredibly.

What a model wife and woman,
His life mate is in no common,
Her heart is so kind and faithful,
God blesses them all their hopeful.

(1) (AustralE-NZE) trouble or difficulty of any kind

Sunday, May 18, 2014

ពងសត្វ ដាយណូស៊រ អាយុ ២០០ លានឆ្នាំ ញាស់ថ្មីៗនេះ នៅសារមន្ទីរក្រុងប៊ែរឡាំង


Berlin| A malfunction with the heating system of the Museum für Naturkunde (or Museum of Natural History) had some unforeseen consequences, as a Gasosaurus egg dating from the Jurassic period ended up hatching, giving birth to the first dinosaur to see the daylight in more than 100 million years.
The egg which was believed to be petrified was preserved in a small storage room situated right next to the boiler room. When the system started overheating a few weeks ago, it seems to have surprisingly initiated the incubation process, leading the egg to hatch.
«This is an incredible opportunity for science» explains Gunther Warburg, paleobiologist at the museum. «The Gasosaurus is classified as a carnivorous tetanuran dinosaur of the therapod family originating from China. It remained a mystery because all we had to study upon were a few remains. But now we have a live one! I feel like I’m in Jurassic Park the movie! » explains the specialist, visibly enthusiast.
The specimen has already been transfered to the Berlin Zoo, where it can be studied in a secure environment. A few facts have already been made public concerning the creature, including it’s size and weight, allegedly 41 centimeters tall with a weight of 11 kilograms.
- See more at:

Friday, May 16, 2014

rbu Cross-Religion Smiles, Real Beauty of Life

Can you see? Whether she's Muslim,
Or he's Christian at heart of him,
Or a Buddhist you are -- to name,
Smiles of ours are truly the same.

Smiling is real beauty of life.
Our living does not need a strife.
Humans at birth are innocent.
Although our faiths are so different.

Muslim, babies are kept in Islam,
Buddha's faith teaches to be calm,
Christianity-raised, they're Christian,
Whether born from a religion.

Smiles of any faith are all worth,
As the real beauty of the Earth,
On every face no matter who,
Open their beauteous smiles towards you.

Smile up, let's smile for common home,
The globe with a serene sky-dome,
Earth is the garden of love,

Under white clouds as a peace dove.
Smiles are the universal language of heart and peace.
"Reading Benefits You" will be learned when you've established a good habit of reading -- Poems in 3 Languages - Khmer, English, Français:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

rbu May Flowers Open in May

What flower is it? I really don't know its name -- either ordinary or scientific -- 'cos I ain't a botanist. It's grown in a pot on top of my roof flat until May 11, 2014 morning when its first lovely fresh pinkish flower opens and my little daughter Winnie tells me she took its only one seed from her school nearby to grow here. Now I call it in a poem below:

May flower opens in May,
How lovely 'tis to say,
Like God's Blessings it looks,
I'll write its name in books.

May flowers open in May,
In sky, butter-flies play,
And in trees, song-birds sing,

We are in happy Spring,

Up look there, clouds come out !
Hey bees, catch me about,
We'll all play hide-and-seek,
'Tis our play of the week.

Let's dance in morning breeze,
Play trumpet, you the bees.
Monkeys, be the drummers.
You song-birds, the singers.

Enjoy the songs we sing,
We'll see again next Spring,
Time, why fast do you fly?
We will not say, "good-bye."

© rbu_spp May 11, 2014
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And this second flower, the sister of the May 11 one, as is seen its picture taken against the North space high up there, just opens ten days later, to embellish the gap of the blue sky that is strewn with Spring clouds threatening to pour out torrential rains hours ahead, maybe in the afternoon of late May:

Blessed be we may, I say, in May,
As Spring rains are going to spray,
Their flickering diamond-like drops,
Things like God's blessings of good crops.

© rbu_spp May 2014

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Chamrieng Lea Knea ចម្រៀងលាគ្នា អ្នកស្រី រស់ សេរីសុទ្ធា

ប្រភពបទ "ចម្រៀងលាគ្នា" (Minato-machi Blues)_HD.mpg Source of Khmer Song "Song of Good-bye" via a Chinese Version

Friday, May 9, 2014

rbu តម្លៃនៃការរង់ចាំ

តម្លៃ នៃការរង់ចាំ ដូនតាបានផ្ដាំ "ចេះ"ចាំ កុំឲ្យខកកាល។

"ចេះ"ចាំ ឲ្យចេះមើល"កាល" កុំគិតជ្រួលច្រាល ចាំ"កាល" តាមព្រេងសំណាង។

"វាសនា" គឺ"ការកសាង" ជាភ័ព្វ"សំណាង" អ្នកសាង ជាអ្នកបានផល។

អ្នកខ្ជិល ពិតពិលសោតសល់ ដេកចាំស៊ីផល សំណល់ ដេកចាំព្រះជួយ។

ព្រះណា មេត្តាសព្វ"មួយ" គ្រប់គ្នាចាំជួយ ប្រាំមួយ ប្រាំពីរពាន់លាន។

ព្រះពុំ មានអ្វីដាក់ទាន ប្រាំពីរពាន់លាន ឲ្យមាន គ្រប់គ្នាលើដី។

បន់ព្រះ តើចង់បានអ្វី ព្រះប្រោសប្រណី ពរជ័យ ឲ្យប្រឹងធ្វើការ។
Just for laughs...


បុរស៖ ឋានសួគ៌យ៉ាងណាដែរ?

ព្រះ៖ ជីវិតអមតៈ ពេលវាលាវែង។ ១វិនាទីនៅឋានសួគ៌ស្មើនឹង១០០ឆ្នាំនៅឋានមនុស្ស លោក។ ១ដុល្លារ នៅឋានសួគ៌ ស្មើនឹង ១លានដុល្លារនៅឋានមនុស្សលោក។

បុរស៖ អ៊ីចឹង ខ្ញុំសុំ ១ដុល្លារមក។

ព្រះ៖ បានតើ។ ប៉ុន្តែ សូមចាំខ្ញុំ១វិនាទី...

rbu Jump to Ride a Running Car, លោតចូលជិះឡានកំពុងរត់

លោតចូលជិះឡាន កំពុងរត់
ឃើញមួយនេះគត់ ធ្វើច្នេះបាន
លោតភ្លែតចូលប្លុក ជិះក្នុងឡាន
អ្នកណាធ្វើបាន ខ្លាចឡានកិន។

តែអ្នកមួយនេះ ឡើងជិះផ្លាប់
មិនខ្វល់ខ្លាចស្លាប់ អាងខ្លួនប៉ិន
ឡានកំពុងរត់ គាត់រត់សិន
អាងគាត់ស្ទាត់ឆ្អិន លោតជិះឡាន។

មើលទៅស្រៀវស្ញើប ប្រហោងពោះ
គាត់ហ៊ានផ្សងគ្រោះ អាចធ្វើបាន
ខ្លះថាបើទោះ ឲ្យប៉ុន្មាន
មិនប្រថុយប្រាណ ល្បែងគ្រោះថ្នាក់។

ខ្លះថាជីវិត ពុំមានលក់
ពុំគួរមកវក់ ល្បែងភ្នាល់ដាក់
ជីវិតលលេង ពុំមានប្រាក់
បើរាសីដាក់ ធ្លាក់មរណា។

ខ្លះថារូបនេះ កាត់តទេ
បំភ័ន្តភ្នែកគេ គ្មានអ្នកណា
អាចធ្វើបានទេ ភ្នាល់សង្ខារ
បញ្ឆោតនេត្រា ឲ្យស្ញប់ស្ញែង។

បើឧបមា រូបកាត់ត
ក៏សិល្បករ ធ្វើនោះឯង
មានស្នាដៃខ្ពស់ គួរកោតក្រែង
សម្ដែងសម្រេច លោតជិះឡាន។ 
رهههههههههههههيب هتشوفه 20 مره تقريبا وبرده مش هتفهم حاجه :)

rbu ញាណនៃអ្នកឆ្លាត

បក្សីនេសាទ ឆ្លាតចាប់ត្រី
ប្រើនុយចំណី បញ្ឆោតចាប់
ត្រីឃ្លានដេញនុយ ភ្លេចខ្លួនស្លាប់
បក្សីឆក់ប៉ាប់ ចាប់ត្រីឆី។

នេះញាណខួរក្បាល ពីធម្មជាតិ
តាមពូជផៅញាតិ ផ្សំអ្វីៗ
បានពីហ្វឹកហាត់ ចេះថែមថ្មី
ជីវិតលោកិយ ឆ្លាតមានប្រៀប។

ការអានមានប្រយោជន៍៖ កំណាព្យ៣ភាសា ខ្មែរ English Fraançais:
سبحان الله العظيم من علم الطائر أن يصطاد بهذه الطريقة !!

أمهر من أي صياد في العالم

Monday, May 5, 2014

rbu សមុទ្រជើងមេឃ

ជើងមេឃសន្លឹម ផុតកោះត្រើយ
ពពកមិនឆ្លើយ នៅខ្ពស់ឆ្ងាយ
សង្ឃស្បង់ស្លាទុំ នៅកៀកកាយ
ញញឹមភ័ក្ត្រសា្រយ ពុំខ្វល់អ្វី។

ប្លែកអ្វីរូបខ្ញុំ ទុក្ខកម្មក្រាស់
ចិត្តស្រីប្ដូរផ្លាស់ ពុំប្រណី
បេះដូងឈោងមេឃ ក្បត់ភក្ដី
គ្មានអ្វីនៅសល់ កម្មស្នេហ៍ខ្ញុំ។

សមុទ្រកញ្ជ្រោល កញ្ជ្រោកសាច
រលកកំណាច បំបែកម៉ុម
មេឃស្រទុំប្រែ ឱ ស្នេហ៍ខ្ញុំ
បងស្បថលាម៉ុម ទាំងចិត្តស្លុត។

មើលទៅជើងមេឃ សង្វេគប្រាណ
នឹកឃើញកល្យាណ ចិត្តស្រយុត
"កោះរង់ "សន្លឹម ដែនសមុទ្រ
ស្នេហ៍បរិសុទ្ធ ស្មោះអស់ន័យ។

ឱ "កោះរង់ "អើយ កុំរង់ចាំ
ដួងចិត្តប្រេះស្រាំ ទុក្ខរីងរៃ
ទុកបងគូកម្ម ដូចដទៃ
អូនប្រែបំភ្លៃ ក្បត់ស្នេហ៍យើង៕

ការអានមានប្រយោជន៍៖ កំណាព្យ ៣ ភាសា
Water Monk
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Saturday, May 3, 2014

rbu If MADONNA Has Known a Little Bit of Invaluable Truth


At the inception of the utopianly agrarian regime in Cambodia (April 1975 -- January 1979), town people evicted from their home to live in the countryside of The Killing Fields Regime were tricked that "Anyone who has been in the military and police [of Lon Nol regime] will be promoted to higher echelon if they agree to work under Angkar (sic!)".

Thousands of people, even students who had never been the servicemen of the previous republic of Lon Nol and wished they were officers with braids on their shoulders, introduced themselves to the authorities they were commissioners, lieutenants, captains, majors, etc., of the prior regime. They were then amassed and tied hands behinds back and blindfolded and walked to be killed in B 52 bomb holes ... IF THEY HAVE KNOWN A LITTLE BIT OF TRUTH OF THE TRICK, SOME OF THEM WOULD HAVE SURVIVED THE CARNAGE.

Some 1.7 million people of all ages have been estimated as summarily killed in the regime.
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"Knowing a little bit of the truth is more dangerous than knowing nothing at all......,.,:,::;,,,,,;,,;........ #wtf " -Madonna

Friday, May 2, 2014

rbu Showing World Top Players How To Play Football

Hip, hop, bip, bing! There the ball flying up!
Hey, none of the world top players can play,
In the murky muddy pond-field like me,
Not even Zidane, Henri, Beckam, Messi,
And Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Neymar, Rooney,
All of them can play only on well-kept lawn field.

They didn't have a lucky trial as I'm doing,
Yep, playing football is everything,
Making them mil-or-billionaires,
They surely cannot play with no cent earned like me.
Football means mounts of money to them,
Thus, they don't know its true and real meaning.

Maybe Scott Neeson knows its sense better,
Working for dump-kids in Cambodia,
And Doc. Beat Richner has tasted all bitter,
Of what living means on scenes around here,
As me a young football player's showing you more.
How to best play football as shown in this picture.

Can they play topless and barefoot in muddy pond,
Like me playing as everyone is pleased and fond?
Nope, all of you certainly know. They'll say: "It's filthy,"
And say football is not a game of health being risky.
Right, they're right, but should also taste the plight,
Or no better experiences will be gained, don't take it light!

© rbu_spp Phnom Penh, May 2nd, 2014, Sao Puthpong,
Professional Picture!! — with Sok Kipo and 48 others.© rbu_spp Phnom Penh, May 2nd, 2014, Sao Puthpong,

Thursday, May 1, 2014

rbu សម្រស់ទឹកភ្នែក

បើបានថើបផ្ដិត ជលនេត្រថ្លៃ
ផ្លេកដូចចរណៃ ពេជ្រភ្លឺថ្លា
ហូរកាត់ផែនថ្ពាល់ ស្រស់ជីវា
លោមថ្នមចិន្តា អូនផុតទុក្ខ។

ឱ ទឹកភ្នែកអើយ មិនអាល័យ
លាផ្ដាច់និស្ស័យ ចាកផែនមុខ
ចោលនេត្រសោកា បៀមជាប់ទុក្ខ
ហត្ថអង្អែលទុក កេរទឹកភ្នែក។

ដឹងទេមាសស្ងួន ភ័ក្ត្រនួនស្រស់
ទោះអូនយំអស់ ហួតរាំងមេឃ
សម្រស់កល្យាណ គ្រាប់ទឹកភ្នែក
ដូចពេជ្រភ្លឺផ្លេក មានមន្តស្នេហ៍។

សម្រស់ទឹកភ្នែក ជ្រែកដួងចិត្ត
បេះដូងវិបរឹត ជាប់ព្រួញស្នេហ៍
សុបិនរាល់យប់ ឥតល្ហើយល្ហែ

ប៉ងរួមស្នេហ៍ស្រី បីថើបថែ

បុរសណាៗ ប្រាថា្នអូន
ទោះមុខស្រពោន ក៏នៅតែ
សោភ័ណបណ្ដាច់ បណ្ដូលស្នេហ៍
ស្រស់លើសភ័ក្ត្រខែ ពេញបូរមី។

សូមព្រះមេត្តា អាសូរចិត្ត
បានរួមស្នេហ៍ស្និទ្ធិ៍ មាសពិសី
ដៃជូតទឹកភ្នែក លោមថ្នមបី
គូគាប់មេត្រី តទៅអើយ៕