Saturday, April 13, 2013


12:51 AM  -  Public

You are right, Dear Jendhamuni,
Decades ago there were plenty,
Of good girls of your description,
With noble behavior and appreciation.

School-educated men of an honored job,
Sought a typical wife as such,
The family-educated girls in rural areas ,
As Khmer society then honored women much.
             Sao Puthpong, Cambodia

Jendhamuni Sos originally shared this post:
Woman is Priceless
Please do not let go your value...

A woman should be kind,
polite, and compassionate.
Always speak kind words.
Always respect a man,
even if you don't like or love him.
A woman should wear proper clothes,
avoid showing off too much skin
just to seduce a man.
These are natural qualities of a woman.
They are free. We don't need money
or any college degree to follow these rules.

~JendhamuniCollapse this post

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