Tuesday, July 8, 2014


At three thirty-three, sky beats its first drum,
Alerting its troops, "'tis now time to come!"
Aft-noon rainstorms inundating Phnom Penh,
Downpours have thigh-deep covers of flood lain.

One of the worst experiences added,
Immersing streets, cars -- and houses flooded.
All looks like the army of the rainstorms.
Out of rage spread the raindrops of all forms.

Bombarding Phnom Penh with the clear raindrops,
In a squall of bullets like the bomb drops.
There, on the grounds what we find is the flood,
Making everywhere covered with the mud.

Vehicles are seen like the submarines.
Wading through muddy floods like from latrines.
The bombardment lasts for o'er an hour,
Phnom Penh's deep-flooded as with no thunder.

Till four thirty-five, the sky beats retreat,
Its army withdraws as if of defeat,
Though the sky still remains low and dull gray,
That's the weather to recall of the day.

© rbu_spp July 4, 2014 Puthpong Sao

In mid-afternoon of Friday July 4, 2014, the first sole thunder sounds at 3:33 pm over Phnom Penh. The downpours starts at 3:47 and lasts till 4:35 when the sky beats its drums once more before the raindrops become drizzling.

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