Thursday, June 26, 2014

rbu-en It's Bryan Ruiz Making Costa Rica's Cheers

Ruiz, it's Bryan Ruiz who's made Costa Rica's cheers,
To have won over the giant Roman warriors,
With his only golden goal, he's been hailed "hero,"
To help his little nation stay in Sao Paulo.

What a very good header to make the golden,
At 44, its victory was counted then,
Though Italy's tried its hardest of the hardest,
Making several good but failed attempts of its best.

© rbu_spp June 21, 2014 Sao Puthpong
ANOTHER UPSET! Costa Rica show their quality to defeat Italy 1-0 thanks to a Bryan Ruiz header. England are OUT of the WORLD CUP.
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

rbu O Italy


Ruiz, it’s Bryan Ruiz who’s made Costa Rica’s cheers,
To have won over the giant Roman warriors,
With his golden goal, he’s been hailed ‘Hero’
To help his little nation stay in Sao Paulo.

What a very good header to make the golden,
At 44, its victory was counted then.
Though Italy tried the hardest of its hardest,
Making several good but failed attempts of its best.


O Italy, one of my few favorites.
Why have you lost so many lots of bits?
As your actions depict well your fiascos,
The poorer defense, your defeat follows.
And your past faults themselves seem to repeat.
That’s, you have known defeat after defeat.

And your nightmares come to haunt you again,
As in South Africa in 20-10.

Balotelli, whilst seeing you squatting,
I recall the event with the same thing.
When Little Buddha Roberto Baggio,
Whom Italy loved most shot at rainbow,
Hoping to make it the ‘9-4 World Cup,
When you drank bitter shame, not syrup.

Imagine your World Cup in Germany,
Cheers were shouted and all happy.

Well, the lost games can never be replayed,
Though kids always wish for those lost games paid.
And how can we share what to redress you?
Just soothe yourselves and cry tearfully through.
How disappointed you and your fans are!
What’ll you do to heal your pains without scar?

Maybe, your old underdogs are to leave.
‘Coz your old magic turns worthless to weave.

© rbu_spp June 2014, Puthpong Sao
Photo: We review the World Cup's Matchday 9, where the color blue featured prominently. Italy's Azzurri were shocked, while France dominated. Full round-up here -
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rbu Making Raw Palm Beer on Palm-Tree

Beer is seen everywhere in Cambodia,
You'll be lucky enough to taste beer here:
E'en ABC, Tiger and Heineken,
Ganzberg, Angkor, Cambodia -- to mention.

Almost from any country of the world,
Just to make 'a beer man-made lake' go pearled:
Millions of liters in yearly amount,
Pour into this poor State, on no account.

Thus, Cambodia could attract more tourists,
By its 'swimming beer-lake' opportunists,
And quasi-empty State coffers remain,
People enjoy drunkenness to complain.

O road accidents happen everyday,
Their causes as everyone feels dismay,
Are drunkenness e'en the police shake head,
Beyond imagination: nothing's said.

And locally-made 'natural beer' drunk here,
A popular product of Cambodia,
Raw palm-juice beer's made on top of palm-trees,
Overnight, it tastes sour-sweet to please.

What a pleasant taste for you to enjoy !
It's called here 'teuk Tnaot ju' and for your joy.
See a man atop a palm-tree shown here,
Make it the way it's been made 'Khmer Beer.'

© rbu_spp June 2014, Puthpong Sao

The type of Khmer [natural] Beer has been made traditionally for centuries now "just overnight" on the very top of palm-trees to have it taste deliciously sour-sweet. Commoners enjoy it with grilled meat at family-size parties and some cases, though seen as a bit mean on the part of the organizers, it is joyfully served at wedding parties, for instance, as in early 1980s after Cambodia quit the Killing Field regime.

rbu 'Tis real, not photoshopped,

'Tis real and not photoshopped as doubted,
Palm-trees, paddies, mountains ... oh, look yonder,
See things for yourself, see its real beauty,

O landscapes, span your wings decorated,
Just fly your imagination higher,
And that's Cambodia's rural scenery.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

rbu Jeune Vendeur de Fleurs

Jeune Vendeur de Fleurs

"Achetez mes fleurs, s' il vous plaít !
"Elles se sentent toutes fraiches, vous voyez !
-- Laisse-moi le sentir un p'tit peu,
"Okay, si vous le sentiez mieux."
-- Le jasmin est aromatique !
"Ouais, son odeur est certes unique."

"Acheter, c'est comme nous aider.
"Et elles vous embellent la beauté.
"Ses aromes vous font beaux sourires.
"Et vous allez donc le sentir.
"Veuillez acheter votre bonheur.
"Pourque vos visages soient en fraicheur."

-- Combien un collier et deux brins ?
Les donne-moi, donc, mon gamin.
"Deux milles et .. au total six milles."
-- Tu travailles en rues de la ville ?
"Oui, presque toujours, par ici."
-- Et voilá le billet, mon p'tit.

"Merci, grand merci. Au revoir.
"Vos achats nous donnent grand espoir.
-- Quelle classe attends-tu aujourd'hui ?
"Moi, je quitte l' école pour la vie."
-- Pourquoi?! Depuis quand, mon enfant ?
"Oh, c' est longtemps, depuis trois ans."

-- Quelle pitié aux enfants sans éducation ... !

© rbu_spp 23 Juin, 2014 Puthpong Sao
Tranches de vie au Cambodge...

DAIT, vendeur de fleurs de Jasmin à Phnom-Penh

Je m’appelle DAIT, j’ai 16 ans, je suis originaire de la province de Preyveng.
... See More
 (4 photos)

rbu American Sky, Khmer Mountain

Ame~rican skies~ are so bright~ though cloudy(1),
And what~ a pity(1)~ is to see~ Khmer mountains(2),
It's stark~ different~ to comment~ on mountains(2),
They look~ like coffins(2)~ with corpses~ inside them(3).

These days~ we can say~ of defor~estation(4),
And like~ depletion(4)~ of gold ores~ and the gem(3),
As if~ like being~ transfused by~ the venom(3),
And like~ the mayhem(3)~ of the State~ and people(5). 

O, lo~ and behold,~ the nation's~ resources(6) !
Nature~ finishes(6)~ its real shape~ like bubble(5),
That's why~ Henri Cam~ feels pity~ for people(5),
Who live~ like in Hell(5),~ apart from~ the Khmer Rouge(7),

Pity!~ Khmer mountains~ cannot win~ their life back(8),
Just cry~ and attack(8)~ ruleless laws~ and abuse.(7),
Or else~ all the mounts~ would be found~ of no use.(7).
Coffins~ in stained hues(7)~ do look like~ the deserts.

This poem is written using the Khmer eleven-syllable foot style: 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 that reads beautifully with good rhythms and rhymes. In this Khmer style, a sentence has four (4) lines (the general rule for Khmer poetry writing, although there are some different cases). Each sentence is grouped into four (4) clusters of sounds (or syllables) “2 – 3 – 3 – 3”. As in other languages, practically, there is difficulty in finding the exact rhymes.

e.g. Ame(2) -rican skies(3) –are so bright(3) –though cloudy(3) ...

To make them easy for you to notice, I mark them in colours and numbers (and underlined) to show they rhyme among them for the sounds with the same marks (colours, numbers, and/or underlined.)

e.g. The last syllable “cloudy(1)(the ending of line 1) rhymes with the 5th syllable “pity(1)”of line 2, and
the last syllable mountains(2)” (endings of line 2) rhymes with the ending mountains(2)”of line 3, both of them rhyme with syllable 5 “coffins(2)”of the line 4, and these rules apply for all the other sentences.Another character to notice is that the last syllable of the foregoing sentence rhymes with the last syllable of line 2 and 3 and the 5th syllable of line 4 (the last line) of the next sentence,

e.g. them(3) ending of the last line of the previous sentence, gem(3) ending of line 2, venom(3) ending of line 3 and mayhem(3) the syllable of last line (or line 4) etc.

To make your poems more beautiful, a good experienced poetry composer writes the kind of similar rhymes between syllables of the same line:
e.g. It's stark~ different~ to comment~ on mountains(2): the rhymes of “-ent” in different and comment

© rbu_spp June 23, 2014 Puthpong Sao
Photo: American Sky, Khmer Mountain, Books and Artwork by Chath pierSathHe is an American Khmer-born writer, poet and artist working at a State University in the States.

rbu My Boat of Life

It's not a life-boat, but a boat of life,
All existence is kept by work through strife.
Look there, it's life 
navigated on boat,
On the surface of a river it's afloat.

What does life mean as it's been known and seen?
Like the boat afloat on water so green,
Mirroring beauty of nature around,
Answering the sky's question from the ground.

Oh the boat's running through the bumping waves,
Taking the surface as the way it paves,
To where I myself haven't known for sure,
And just with wishes for good things so pure.

Oh life, my life where you're leading me to,
Or 'tis me who have been pushing you through,
The walks of life whether it's hard or not,
Or is LIFE to be a well-written plot?

O! My boat of life, I can't desert you,
Even though umpteen times I do fall through,
No matter sometimes I feel so tiresome,
Yeah, your lesson's "not tedious of boredom."

© rbu_spp June 24, 2014 Puthpong Sao

Thursday, June 19, 2014

rbu ត្រពាំងថ្លុកស្រែកេរម៉ែអូន

១. ស្រែអើយស្រូវខ្ញុំ សុំរស់ក្បែរ
ត្រពាំងថ្លុកស្រែ ក្បែរទួលស្រី
ស្រះកេរម៉ែអូន សំបូរត្រី
ទឹកថ្លាអ្វីៗ ឃើញឆ្លុះមេឃ។

២. ត្រីឆ្លាំងឆ្លាស់ឆ្លៀត ជ្រៀតសំងំ
ឆ្លូញស្លាតបន្លំ សង្វាតពេក
លូកលលោមលួង ល្បួងមន្តសេក
ចង់ស្រីរូបឯក លោមបន្លែង។
៣. ត្រីព្រួលត្រីប្រា ឆ្លេឆ្លាហែល
កៀងគ្នាក្រវែល ជុំគុម្ពត្រែង
ត្រីក្រុះកញ្ចុះ ក្អែកអណ្ដែង
ត្រីក្រាញ់បន្លែង នឹងត្រីផ្ទក់។
៤. ឱ ដួងច័ន្ទ្រអើយ អូនដឹងទេ
សម្រស់មាសមេ ឲ្យបងឈ្លក់
វង្វេងទាំងថ្ងៃ អង្គុយងក់
ស៊ូលក់កេរឪ ដើម្បីអូន។
៥. គន់មើលស្លឹកស្រូវ ដូចកេសា
ស្រស់កែវជីវា លូតស្រលូន
វល្លិមាសរលាស់ សមភ័ក្ត្រអូន
សោភ័ណដូចកូន ព្រះឥន្ទ្រា។
៦. កន្ទុំរុយរេ ហើររាំ-វង់
ត្រចៀកកាំពង់ ព័ទ្ធវង់គ្នា
បណ្ដាក់ជូនពរ ពៅពម្ងា
ធ្វើបរិពារ វេនរំលែក។
៧. ឃើញដួងច័ន្ទ្រអូន លើវេហាស៍
ឆ្លុះយល់ភក្ត្រា ច្បាស់នឹងភ្នែក
មុជស្រះស្រង់អូន ដូចឈោងមេឃ
បង្កើយជិតពេក លួចបេតី។
៨. ពពកសក្បុស ឆ្លុះមេឃយប់
ទោះងងឹតឈ្លប់ ដូចភ័ក្ត្រស្រី
ពេញមូលក្រឡង់ ចាំងរង្សី
ដូចច័ន្ទ្របូរមី ត្រចះចែង ។
៩. ទួលស្រីប្រណី ស្និទ្ធបបុស
បបូរត្រសុស ត្រដុសត្រែង
ឲ្យបងទុក្ខធំ ខ្វល់ចំបែង
កម្សត់ម្នាក់ឯង ស្នេហ៍ពន់ពេក។
១០. សូមមានវាសនា បានទៅកើត
កង្កែបថ្លុកអើត ងើយមើលមេឃ
ប្រឡង់ភ័ក្ត្រអូន ពន្លឺភ្នែក
ដូចពេជ្រភ្លឺផ្លេក ដេញរស្មី។
១១. ក្នុងត្រពាំងស្រែ កេរម៉ែអូន
ម៉ែពុកចែកកូន ស្ងួនពិសី
តាមពង្សតពូជ រួមមេត្រី
សូមកល្យាណី ស្រីមេត្តា៕
© rbu_spp June 19, 2014 Sao Puthpong សៅរ៍ ពុធពង្ស

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Oh Angkor Thom, one thousand years ago,
Capital of a Great Empire, we know,
Under Emperor Jayavarman VII,
Apogee of civilization then.

The Khmer Empire was then the greatest,
Of the three civilizations on Earth,
With you and Angkor Wat in no contest,
As everyone utters "no see since birth."

One of the mighty empires in Asia,
In the world you were the greatest of the three,
For six centuries, you ruled Southeast Asia,
As your four-visage towers are all to see.

"Reading Benefits You" will be learned when you've established a good habit of reading: Poems in 3 Languages -- Khmer, English, Français: (I feel compelled to delete my link of Google from Facebook as required by it for absurd reason described as "unsafe"

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


    Cambodia's rural landscape at sunset,
    Seeing it reminisces things to get,
    So memorable that makes smiles radiant,
    On your face to wish life to be brilliant.
    Placid in scene and copied deep in mind,
    With things to explore and there peace to find,
    That's the rural scenes seen in Cambodia,
    What lovely experiences gotten here !
    "Reading Benefits You" will be learned when you've established a good habit of reading -- Poems in 3 Languages: Khmer, English, Français