Friday, May 10, 2013

rbu Cars To Be Able To Overfly The Traffic Congestion

Seeing this new technologically invented flying car recalls me of when as a young boy, four decades ago, taking a taxi from Takeo town to the Capital Phnom Penh and very tired of traffic jams of several kilometer intervals along the 77 kilometer trunk of the National Highway 2 -- not caused by too many cars on the roads as nowadays, but by queues of cars and vehicles waiting turns to take the narrow off-road lanes by-passing across-road trenches dug by the guerrilla -- I had a thought then that it'd be better if they could make cars that were able to overfly the congestion. 

Yes I Know That originally shared this post:
Stuck in taffic jam? This car has a flying button. Seriously!

it's a four-seater flying car!

US scientists designed it to be an automatic flying car to be on the roads within a decade

Learn more at

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