My heartfelt thanks, Dr. Kalam for adding me,
'Tis a great honor, joy and everything to see,
Your light of words shedding bright on my path of life,
Struggling to fight all its darkness, despair and strife.
Life's hardest ordeal I've experienced -- enduring,
To smile to hide and lie to my despair, trying.
People are taught to learn the others' successes,
To find, they say, own ways towards the bliss as is,
And only you to show the path from the fiasco,
Not to overlook things to learn and to follow,
The reality as we are to challenge and be,
For real Peace on Earth as the earth-dwellers are "We."
June 1, 2014 Sao Puthpong, Cambodia
Now, the third turn, as shown in this video taken on Sunday May 25, morning, another two May flowers come out to dance in the Spring breeze. Their lovely pinkish petals are smiling a welcoming grin at you:
May flowers are dancing in Spring breeze,
Come on stage will you please,
Let's dance against the azure sky,
Clouds are playing on high.
Come having a great time dancing,
In late May of the Spring,
Here! Can you see our hair in breeze?
A pinkish dance with bees.
May flowers are dancing in Spring breeze,
Come on stage will you please,
Let's dance against the azure sky,
Clouds are playing on high.
Come having a great time dancing,
In late May of the Spring,
Here! Can you see our hair in breeze?
A pinkish dance with bees.