Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Puthpong Sao11:13 AM Edit

Why is Hugo Chavez loathed by the West?
Out of ideology he served his people best?
'Cos of his socialist ways of ruling his state?
This is just his people's choice of their fate.

Why are the ruling socialists in EU not so hated,
As Hugo has been for the cause of his state?
Just H. Chavez in South America be detested.
Leaders of political doctrines should cooperate.

He could not turn the world to communism.
Thus, nothing to fear his ruling ways to date.
World can't live without jointly good optimism
Stop all hatreds on earth before being too late.
                Sao Puthpong, Cambodia, SEA

Bob Clark11:27 AM

how bout this for an answer, Puthpong -  This man never stopped lying. He manipulated his people, falsifies history, carried out the systematic destruction of democracy, had multiplied the domestic problems of the Venezuelan people, and had involved them in dangerous international alliances with nations and terrorist groups.   

Puthpong Sao11:41 AMEdit

+Bob Clark Sorry if my opinions do offend you,
                 I just have a say out of frankness,
                 Not meant to cause anyone to boo,
                 I don't blaspheme one bound to recess.

 Cambodia used to experience such bad hatred from the West during the most popular Buddhist Socialist regime of Prince-Chief of State Norodom Sihanouk in the 60s. The US of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger helped a group of General Lon Nol and Prince Siri-Matak to topple Samdech Preah Sihanouk, thus plunged the prosperous Kingdom into flames of devastating wars protracted to some 3 decades. About 1,7 M people, one fourth of its population, were killed, majority of them in the Killing Fields of the Khmer Rouge. 

According to Bernard Krisher, former editor-in-chief of the NewsWeek, only after more than a decade of the US involvement of the March 18, 1970 putsch that Henry Kissinger confessed of the US's fault in overthrowing the popular peaceful and prosperous SRN of Prince Sihanouk. 

Even a Belgian researcher Dr. Raoul Marc Jennar, who used to dislike the SRN, did confess in a French-language Cambodge Soir years ago that if there has not been the Coup d' État, Cambodia nowadays would have known the prosperity of the kind and level of the present Kingdom of Malaysia. 

Prince Siri-Matak -- refusing the then-US Ambassador to Cambodia (renamed The Khmer Republic) John Gunter Dean's invitation to flee the country -- left a letter admitting that he and his group were cheated by the US (sic!) Siri-Matak himself, cousin of Samdech Preah Sihanouk, later was executed by the communist Khmer Rouge.


5:02 AM  -  Public

Live coverage: Venezualan President Hugo Chavez has died -http://bit.ly/XM6vVQ

+241 282 comments

Moilim Yacoub10:13 AM May he Rest In Peace. Great President overall 

Dmitry Bukatnikov11:28 AM R.I.P Mr Chavez.

Riko Bluette11:28 AM Wow! #suspect The last I saw he was speaking out against the U.S., sheesh

Loges Rao11:30 AM Agree +Leo Fox 

David Davidson11:32 AM Another one bites the dust. May freedom reign in venezuela soon

Bob Clark11:33 AM +Michael Washington  so Michael he was a great guy, huh? then i must conclude that you don't believe in democracy and personal freedom; because that monster sure didn't! i hope he suffered.

Michael Washington11:34 AMReply He was democratically elected 4 times +Bob Clark. 
nada Shushu11:38 AM Adios Amigo
Daniel Contreras11:39 AM Rip

Bob Clark11:39 AM so was Nobama and he doesn't give a sh*t about it either!

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