Friday, November 30, 2012

rbu Just I Am "LOVE", You Hate Me for Own Broken Love

You "made" me when you loved each other,
"Not Love" that "made" you as you did see.
"Not me" you should hate but your "Lover".
When together you never thought of me,

You did make love for own sake, for sure,
"Broken Love" was out of your own faults,
It's your heart that's to blame for failure,
Judging your love fate from your defaults.

No longer blame others for own mistake,
Stop hating "Love" that does nothing wrong.
"Love is not guilty" for your love fake.
Sing happily your new true love song.
Sao Puthpong, Cambodia

Marie Laude

  -  Public
Mon Dieu, ait pitié de moi. A présent je sais pourquoi je fuis l'amour.
Love originally shared this post:
Joseph arguijo
6:28 AM
All it took was that one person to do that to you and it changed your entire world.


Ouais, vous fuyez l' amour! l' amour!!
Mais c'est peut-étre pas pour toujours,
J' en crois que vous maintenant pensiez,
"Dois-je revenir á mon ancien bien-aimé?"

Ou bien chercher faire une belle histoire,
Avec une nouvelle mémoire de l' ancienne pensée,
D' essayer á en croire, chére amie, á me croire. 
La nouvelle romance ne vous faire de chagrin renouvellé!?
                             Sao Puthpong, Cambodge, ASE


ទេព្តាតូច ប្រពាត លើផ្លូវក្រាល           លូនកាត់វាល ល្បោះព្រៃ ថ្ងៃចែងចាំង
តាមសុបិនមនុស្សចាស់ច្រណែនខ្លាំង  នឹងភពនាងចាស់បង់ទាំងអាល័យ។
"រាំអប្សរា" នាងថា "សួគ៌អង្គរ"             "គ្មាននរប្រៀប" ធៀបភក្ត្រ បួនវិស័យ
ញញឹមស្រស់ បាយ័ន ឆ្នើមថ្លាថ្លៃ         អស្ចារ្យក្រៃ លើដី នៃលោកនេះ៕


Little Angel's walk-dancing on causeway,

Thru virgin marshland bush on a shiny day,
After imagination adults feel envious,
Their infant world's missed that's so fierce.

"I'm dancing like Celestial Apsaras," she utters,

"At Angkor, unrivaled on Earth," stark obvious,
Of World Wonders everyone wonders.,
With radiant smile of Bayons so serious.

                  Sao Puthpong, Cambodia
FORTIER claude originally shared this post:
Time pass...

robert danielYesterday 12:44 AM

their still there ! look inside!

Marie LaudeYesterday 12:47 AM

Oh +robert daniel I don't know who you are, but thank you very much. I keep it in my mind and in my heart.

Puthpong Sao2:10 AMEdit

Little Angel's walk-dancing on causeway,
Through virgin marshland bush on a shiny day,
After imagination Adults feel envious,
Their infant world's missed that's so fierce.

"I'm dancing like Celestial Apsaras," she utters,
"At Angkor Wat, unrivalled on Earth," stark obvious,
With radiant smile of four-visage Bayons so serious,
Of World Wonders everyone surely wonders.
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Puthpong Sao  

Nov 26, 2012  -  Public


I'm ever sorry if it's disturbing you,
Dear Syed S. Khurshid and Meera Adam.
Feel your deep pains expressed in words, I do,
Though I don't know much deeply about Islam,
Lord Allah's religion practiced by hundreds of millions,
Of Muslims around the Globe among Buddhists, Christians ...

Here in Cambodia, my country,
We, Buddhists, Muslims and Christians,
Live along well in Compassion and Mercy.
Under the same Light regardless of religious opinions,
Thus, be together in Peace, as Gods wish for humans,
Thru Blessings albeit of different faiths and religions,
                                            Sao Puthpong, Cambodia, SEA
Fabien Todescato's profile photo


Marie LaudeNov 26, 2012
So agree with you, dear +Puthpong Sao 


Fabien, reading your poem of Buddha's Dharma on The Brahma Vihara makes me feel as if you have something like Khmer Thoughts of Buddha's Teachings. Why don't you cite the fourth, Upekkha (equanimity) or having a thought of being in the middle?

Upekkha is not so far as you think.
It's within your proper Inner Heart,
Coordinating reliefs, even in a blink,
Belief's core to reach things tho far apart.

Happiness can only be built from within,
That pure core of your very own heart, 
Upekkha, with three siblings of no sin,
'Tis to lavish and share it to every part,

       (Poem in response to Marie Laude's opinions below)
Fabien Todescato originally shared this post:
The Bhrama Viharas

Au coeur de Sa paume aux reflets d'eau lustrale
Chatoyait l'or fin des vertus cardinales
Metta, Karuna, Mudita, ondes de lumieres
Eclairant l'ici bas d'un monde de misères.

Pictorialist +Rosa Bruno

Fabien Todescato's profile photo

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Fabien TodescatoNov 29, 2012

Well, Upekkha stands somewhat apart, and it wouldn't fit in the rhyme structure...
Thank you +Puthpong Sao for reminding us of Upekkha.
May you be happy

Marie LaudeYesterday 12:20 AM

Oh now I undertand some of your past remarks +Puthpong Sao  and+Fabien Todescato . I would say some things about it:

1) if I have to try to get the 4 Buddhist virtues for myself, I have the feeling that I could reach (one day, enventually...) Metta, Karuna and Mudita. But I won't reach Upekkha. Because I don't understand it. It is the total opposite of my character. I think that detachment removes interest of life. But, obviously, if I was able to approach a little Upekkha, definitely, I would suffer less.
2) Fabien I can see that you now prefer rhyme structure and you don't commit the sin of perfection (:D)
3) I deeply love your posts and so much the worse: it is far from Upekkha!!!
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Puthpong SaoYesterday 12:40 AMEdit

Upekkha isn't so far as you think.
It's within your proper Inner Heart,
Coordinating reliefs, even in a blink,
Belief's core to reach things tho' far apart.

Marie LaudeYesterday 12:44 AM

Always poems ! Thank you! I see +Puthpong Sao and you +Fabien Todescato you both are near Upekkha. And that's why I love you: you help me!!


Puthpong SaoYesterday 11:45 PM (edited)Edit
This short poem isn't meant to make anyone offended. It's just to share not so bad a time.

Snow in Mind you find warmth to feel well,
Cold at Heart you part it 'n' bid farewell,
Sight-seeing's satisfying all minds' wish?
How about going out with bliss to lavish?

ព្រិលអើយព្រិលព្រំយំសុំពរព្រះ       ស្រោចលាងជម្រះបាបលើលោកិយ 
ត្រជាក់បេះដូងក្រាលស្រប់ផែនដី    ប្រាថ្នាសិរីមង្គលសួស្ដិ៍សុខ៕ 
Igor Alesenko originally shared this post:
Fabien Todescato's profile photo


Puthpong SaoYesterday 11:45 PM (edited)Edit

This short poem isn't meant to make anyone offended. It's just to share not so bad a time.

Snow in Mind you find warmth to feel well,
Cold at Heart you part it 'n' bid farewell,
Sight-seeing's satisfying every mind's wish?
How about going out with happiness to lavish?

ព្រិលអើយព្រិលព្រំយំសុំពរព្រះ       ស្រោចលាងជម្រះបាបលើលោកិយ 
ត្រជាក់បេះដូងក្រាលស្រប់ផែនដី    ប្រាថ្នាសិរីមង្គលសួស្ដិ៍សុខ៕ 

rbu Turtles' Complaints,, អណ្ដើកតវ៉ា

Our air's different from that of Birds,
It's water -- whether fresh or salty.
Though humans change the words,
We fly in our world, birds swim in their city,

Birds enjoy swimming in their sky-sea,
Whereas we do flying in air, not for birds.
'Fly' for birds, 'swim' for us living in sea,
That's because humans swap the words.


អាកាសយើង ខុសពី មេឃបក្សី          លើផែនដី សមុទ្រ បឹងស្ទឹងព្រែក
យើងហោះហើរ បក្សី ហែលក្នុងមេឃ  មនុស្សប្រឹងញែក ចែកពាក្យ្ទ ដូរភូតភរ។
ពួកបក្សី ហែបហែល សមុទ្រមេឃ      ឯយើងប្លែក ហើរលេង ក្នុងសាគរ
មនុស្សប្រែពាក្យ "ហើរ"ឲ្យ បក្សីយក៍   អណ្ដើករក៍ ឲ្យយើង ប្រើពាក្យ"ហែល"៕ 

                     Sao Puthpong, Cambodia

អាកាសយើង ខុសពី មេឃបក្សី          លើផែនដី សមុទ្រ បឹងស្ទឹងព្រែក
យើងហោះហើរ បក្សី ហែលក្នុងមេឃ  មនុស្សប្រឹងញែក ចែកពាក្យ្ទ ដូរភូតភរ។
ពួកបក្សី ហែបហែល សមុទ្រមេឃ      ឯយើងប្លែក ហើរលេង ក្នុងសាគរ
មនុស្សប្រែពាក្យ "ហើរ"ឱ្យ បក្សីយក៍   អណ្ដើករក៍ ឱ្យយើង ប្រើពាក្យ"ហែល"៕ 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

ការអានមានប្រយោជន៍៖ ប្រុសស្រីគូគ្នា
ប្រុសស្រីគូគ្នាលើលោកនេះ   គ្មានស្រីប្រុសម្ល៉េះលោកសូន្យពិត
ចំណងស្រីប្រុសរឿងជីវិត      តពូជមនុស្សពិតលើផែនដី។

A group of girls disputed against its male counterpart about the prevailing topics of gender nowadays.
A girl said:'Woman is Mother of the World!'
A boy riposted: 'Okay, and Man is Father of the World 'cos Woman is Wife to Man!' He said with nature of being superior in physical strength in his mind.
An elder person interrupted: 'Right! by Law of Nature, Male and Female are Partners for Life Existence and Development on the Earth. Only cooperation works.'

Saturday, November 24, 2012

rbu "Beer" or "UN-Polluted Air and Water" that Maintains Life-Existence?

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 Beers.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full.. The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.'

The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.The students laughed..

'Now,' said the professor as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things---your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.. The sand is everything else---the small stuff.

'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.

Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn.

Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented. The professor smiled and said, 'I'm glad you asked.' The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of Beers with a friend.

author unknown -- happy to attribute if somebody knows

WOW - THANKS! +5000 SHARES! Circle me (
+Jordan Arseno) for more great posts!
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Puthpong Sao:

While the professor was pouring the beers into the jar, a belated student, out of breath, burst into the room saying, "A well-done e-x-p-l-a-n-a-t-i-o-n! But there must be another important thing the professor might have missed in his illustration!

Though water -- and anything liquid -- can penetrate room between solid particles like sand, another substance can penetrate water -- AIR and its relatives -- gazes, he went on.

All the class turned to him as if he was the real lecturer when he commented, "For instance, without Oxygen in unpolluted water, fish and other aquatic and overland living things even human beings cannot live or have their existence on earth, and we all cannot write, read or say anything now."

He continued, "It is those substances of lower and lower density that are perching over our life -- the Whole Globe. What about the problems of global warming? Who are responsible for, and who are to suffer from, these problems? Air is Everything and Polluted Air means Death. It penetrates all that exists -- our body (blood, brain ...,) words, mind; all substances, etc -- solid and liquid alike." 

"I mean 'our global common cause is the root of life and happiness on our planet Earth,'" he finished his interpretation under vociferous applause of the class.

(Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia)